Can Not Brushing Teeth Make You Sick

Can Not Brushing Teeth Make You Sick

Side view man and kid brushing

Forgetting to brush the teeth as part of one’s grooming and personal hygiene can be harmful not just in terms of how one’s teeth will look but also one’s health. Oral hygiene is one way of controlling the formation of plaque and bacteria in the mouth. It helps prevent the multiplication of bacteria that can bring about gum and cavities when brushing is neglected. But the consequences do not end there.

The lack of adequate oral care has also been demonstrated to contribute to other health challenges including infections, and the more serious heart diseases, diabetes, and even respiratory diseases. Since the mouth is the opening to other organs in the body, bacteria found in a dirty mouth can travel and cause pain and infect other parts.

One’s oral health is closely linked with their overall health and knowing that dental hygiene impacts more than just a person’s smile is critical.

How Oral Health Affects Your Whole Body?

Most people are surprised to learn that oral health is associated not only with the mouth but affects the rest of the body as well, considering that the mouth also harbors bacteria. The mouth is, so to speak, the entrance to the organism.

It gets worse if there are too many pathogenic microbes in the mouth: they will get into the bloodstream and other organs which will cause some infection or inflammation. It is interesting to note how oral health is intertwined with organs such as the heart and the brain. Many studies have linked poor oral hygiene to conditions such as heart diseases, strokes or diabetes.

It might sound astonishing that failing to take care of your teeth can put your chances of getting these diseases higher, but it serves as a useful reminder as to just how connected our body is. Good dental care and appointment with a dentist more often than not concerns only looking after your teeth, yet it is also aimed at preserving health. The right strategies even at home such as using a toothbrush and dental floss can serve to ward off bacteria from the system.

7 Risks of Not Brushing Your Teeth

Tooth Decay

Failing to brush your teeth regularly allows plaque, sticky bacterial film, to build up. The enamel can be eaten away, leading to cavitations and sharp unbearable tooth pain. If tooth decay is neglected, it may ultimately cause the emergence of fillings, root canals, or even teeth removal.

Gum Disease

Tartar is a hardened form of plaque which causes irritation on the gum causing gingivitis, which is the beginning of gum disease. There are forms of gum diseases like periodontitis which destroy the supporting structure of the teeth. Advanced stage of gum disease can lead to loss of teeth and grave infections.

Bad Breath

Lack of oral sanitation makes one have food particles and bacteria build up thus having a bad breath which does not go away. This overaccumulation always comes with odors that can be quite embarrassing and even a mouthwash will not be effective. и Б brushing is very important as it helps kill and remove bacteria causing bad breath.

Tooth Discoloration

No brushing was the reason for plaque and tartar accumulation, which made teeth under the leading factors become yellow or dark. And therefore this phenomenon without cleaning will be already very hard to correct. However, regular brushing takes care of these stains and leaves one with a beautiful smile.

Heart Disease

A part of the oral bacterium of plaque is released in the circulation during tooth brushing and helps cause artherosclerosis and plaque. This elevates the chances of a person suffering from heart disease and may cause a stroke as well. However, proper oral care can prevent them from such severe cardiovascular disease.


Respiratory Problems

Bacteria existing in the mouth can find their way into the lungs by inhalation, in people with compromised immunity or pre-existing lung disease, leading to a range of lung infections. Such include pneumonia. Adequate brushing reduces the amount of disease-causing bacteria, thus averting respiratory diseases.

Diabetes Applications

Diabetes patients have a harder time managing sugar levels because of oral health issues. Infections and gum diseases can aggravate diabetic complications, and it is advisable for such patients to brush their teeth more often, so that the other issues will not impede further health problems.

What Can You Do to Improve Your Oral Health?

The key to enhancing your oral health is adopting good habits and following them every day. First of all, brush your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste at least twice a day so that no plaque accumulates and you protect your teeth from cavities. Once a day flossing takes place, which helps in clearing the areas between the teeth that brushing cannot reach, thus lessening the probability of getting gum diseases.

For most people, it is also vital to see a dentist for examinations and extractions to help prompt and treat problems. Eating appropriately and moderately, particularly with respect to sweets, will assist in avoiding damage to the teeth and the gums. Following these and other practices, you can keep your mouth healthy and, therefore, your whole body.

Besides basic hygiene practices, having a few dental appointments with your dentist, and caring about mouthwash make further steps to eradicate oral cavity bacteria and deodorize the mouth. Day in day out, especially for kids, can reduce the cavity creating incidence-like crackers, chips biscuits in-between meals. Do not apply mouth lubrication tobacco or if you drink, do not drink too much alcohol, because this can adversely affect oral hygiene and increase cavity and gum disease risks.


Practicing good oral hygiene is not only about having an attractive smile, but about overall health as well. Routine activities such as regular brushing, flossing, rinsing with mouth wash, and going for dental checkups can help a great deal. You can maintain your teeth and gums and also reduce the chances of diseases by making sure that you do not smoke and also reducing the amount of sweet things to eat.

You can begin with these steps today in order to enhance your oral health and help you remain fit and healthy. Oral hygiene practices require a lot of dedication and should be done on a daily basis because their benefits are worth it, especially in terms of health and self-esteem. Looking after your teeth will not only spruce up your smile but will even promote a more healthy way of living. A beautiful smile is worth the bother; do it today for a better you in the years to come!


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